He Don't Care About Time: The Metaphysical Marriage Vows of ‘Pledge to You’ from Gypsy Angel

Pledge to You (Gene Clark)
I have a prayer,
I have a dream,
and I believe
That in my life there's only one true love I need
And I can be free, I can be free
with you here with me
For if the world we know should end without warning
I want one thing to be true
I pledge my love to you, my darling
And I will be there with you
Somewhere I see in the ages so fast
You and I were again
In a romance we knew that would last
Till our own history’s end
So I pledge my love to you every morning
I know only one thing,
I do
If I've gone away and there’s no warning
I won't be away without you
We’ll be together again and again
And each time we’ll renew
Maybe we’ll never remember just when
All our dreams will come true
So in my prayer I believe
That you can dream
Just as long as you leave
In the right way you've been
And back to the place
Your embrace
If the world we know should end without warning
I pledge forever to you
I will be there every morning
In spirit and heart
And I do
Even though we may be worlds, girl, apart
There is one thing we’ll know
Time has no boundary as far as our love
And that's as far as it wants to go
So if the world we know should end without warning
I pledge my love here to you
I pledge my love dear to you
I pledge my love to you.
‘Pledge to You’ is a not so much a lyric as it is a formal promise based in the chivalric code to which Clark himself had been betrothed since he began writing. But it goes beyond that into the realm of spiritual transcendence: these are marriage vows with no discernible beginning, nor any foreseeable ending: These are eternal marriage vows (an impression which is given further credence when one considers the twice-used phrase "I do").
In Clark’s prayer/vision, he and his love have met up in lifetime after lifetime (“and each time we’ll renew”) and have essentially manipulated and defied time and death: Same Time, Next Life. Thus the inherent limitations foisted upon us by our own mortality are made groundless,irrelevant. Time is usually seen as a foe, something against which a man battles while trying to ensure he has more of it. In Clark’s prayer, time has become an ally against which the forces of death are ultimately defeated by the naturally reoccurring, immutable laws of immortality governing the couple’s love. After they “leave” this world the lovers will instinctively know they have met up “again and again”: in each successive lifetime they will return to their sacred well-spring of renewal in this physical world: “Back to the place/Your embrace.”
But there is a troubling disconnect between the self-assurance of the lyric and the mournfulness of the melody. In spite of the bravado, the ominous spectre of sudden death hangs heavy. There are repeated, almost desperate, attempts by the singer to convince himself (“I want one thing to be true”) and his lover that the eternal nature of their love ultimately trumps whatever unexpected tragedies might befall them, and which might thus rob them of the ability to say a final goodbye. (That Gene’s own death was a sudden event, notwithstanding his well-documented health problems, is an especially poignant footnote.)
The rustic nature of the demo---the crude echo on Gene’s voice, and the occasionally audible thud of his foot tapping out the beat---creates an eerie, otherworldly atmosphere. We’re surely into Robert Johnson territory here; truly spine-tingling stuff. Add to these elements a melody featuring Clark at his dark-hued best and it becomes patently obvious that the singer is himself intimidated, possibly frightened, by death, even as he deems it impotent in the face of the limitlessness of time with which their love is equated: “Time has no boundary as far as our love/ And that’s as far as it wants to go.”
Following a breakdown which reprises the opening prayer, there comes an unusually brusque, almost Townshendian, series of power chords on his 12-string acoustic. These chords signal the moment that Clark begins his ascent towards the climax of the song: his final declaration, his final pledge, his showdown with Death.
By the time Gene has begun to sing the moving last verse (“Even though we may be words, girl, apart…”), it is clear that there is a grief-laden subtext to the narrative suggestive of an unexpected death (hers?), or at least a sense of one’s impending demise. But this in a purely corporeal sense, of course.
So real, so immediate, is the emotion in Gene’s voice that it sounds as if he is actually choking back tears during the performance. #
So in the last minute of the song the tension between the forces of Love and Death do battle within the final three declarations of love. In the first two declarations Gene’s voice is full of emotion tinged with grief. It is in the final, climactic declaration, however, that his vision of transcendence, of the victory of Love over Death, is most clearly felt.
It is the sound of the triumph of an immortal spirit.
# It is quite possible, however, that I am projecting upon him my own reaction.
My personal blog is a mish-mash of politics and philosophy and satire.
I only saw Gene once in Dingwalls in the late 80's but I made a copy of the recording. Would love to send you one free of charge. When I get around to putting it onto CD.
email me with any thoughts at dohraymefahsohlati@googlemail.com
If you're referring to the Gene Clark Sings for You material, it is unreleased.
I have started a petition with Sony/Legacy to release a comprehensive sollection of unreleased GC demos from the 1960s. To join in, go to the right side of the main page, look for "Recommended Sites."